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​Recommitments and Sentence Recalculations

Convicted Parole Violators (CPVs) are not entitled to credit for time at liberty on parole; however, the Parole Board has discretion to award credit unless the new criminal offense is one of the crimes specified in 6138(a)(2.1) which include:
 Murder - 3rd Degree
 Voluntary Manslaughter
 Manslaughter of a Law Enforcement Officer
 Murder - 3rd Degree Involving an Unborn Child
 Aggravated Assault of an Unborn Child
 Aggravated Assault, graded as a felony of the 1st Degree
 Assault of Law Enforcement Officer
 Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction
 Terrorism
 Kidnapping
 Drug Delivery Resulting in Death
 Trafficking of Persons
 Rape
 Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse
 Arson Endangering Persons
 Burglary
 Robbery, graded as a felony of the 1st Degree
 Robbery of a Motor Vehicle
 Sexual Assault
 Aggravated Indecent Assault
 Ecoterrorism
 Incest
 Criminal Attempt, Conspiracy or Solicitation to Commit any of the offenses listed here
 Any crime requiring registration under 42 PA.C.S. Cha. 97 (relating to registration of sexual offenders)

Technical Parole Violators (TPVs) shall be given credit for the time served on parole, but with no credit for delinquent time.
